Friday, July 27, 2012

separation of church and state?

This is your progressive re-education lesson for the day. Pay close attention or you will be branded a purveyor of hate and hate speech! Pay attention now...

You must cater to Islam. To do otherwise would be insensitive and politically offensive. However, to conform to the progressive agenda, you also MUST discriminate against Christianity and remove all Christian symbols, lest you offend a liberal. And a business must not be true to the Christian values of its founding, but MUST speak out loudly in favor of homosexual rights. The mayor of a city should be allowed and even encouraged to keep a business out of HIS city (e.g. Rahm Emmanuel) if said business is not a progressive-led entity or happens to be Christian. The mayor's ideology is an acceptable guiding principle for making business decisions if said decision discriminates against the evils of Christianity or furthers the Progressive religion's objectives.  Government operates under the Progressive religion with a sub-sect known as Climate Change.  End of lesson.

Now, my rant:  Do what you want in your bedroom, but don't force it on the 97+ percent of the populace who disagrees with you! There is NO constitutional protection against being offended. Get over it, P.C.-obsessed whiners! Furthermore, there is NO statement in the constitution that says anything whatsoever about separation of church and state. NONE! Justice Black invented that because he hated Christianity.

Next lesson:  In a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, Thomas Jefferson discussed freedom of religion and talked about the wall separating government and religion. But what he was talking about was ensuring that government does not encroach on religion!! He was NEVER talking about freedom FROM religion and he was not favoring some ridiculous wall to keep Christian views out of public spaces.  Those who say otherwise are grossly misrepresenting the words and the intent of Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. The American system of governance is BASED on Judeo-Christian principles and therefore, removing the Ten Commandments from public view is denying our own historical underpinnings.

And finally, the constitution mentions religious freedom in this vein:  The FEDERAL government could not establish a state (national) religion. The individual and several states COULD establish a state religion. For instance, Pennsylvania, among others, did have a state religion at one point. That was back when the states were the masters and the federal government was the servant. Citizens who disagreed with the statutory structure of a state could vote with their feet and move to another state.  That was how it was intended. The states were a loosely amalgamated grouping of individual nation-states that were affiliated with the federal government for the purpose of defense and for levying tariffs. At that time, the government levied tariffs on imports and that is where the funding for the government was derived, not from a national income tax that weighed heavily on the people and on internal economic development.

Abraham Lincoln is largely responsible for killing the supremacy of the individual states. That was what the Civil War was about, the right of states to secede from the union should the federal government become tyrannical. The Civil War was NOT about slavery. It was about keeping the states under the thumb of the growing federal government, which has since become a NATIONAL government. Do you think that Abraham Lincoln was a great president? Modern pop-history would tell you that he was a fine president. Did you know that he suspended a number of individual liberties, including the right of habeas corpus (the right to appear in court or before a judge)? Lincoln imprisoned over 13,000 people without trial, because they disagreed with his views. Most were journalists but some were wealthy business owners and others, outspoken citizens who opposed his administration.

Why doesn't anybody know any of this history??? I mourn the late, great United States of America, one nation under God.

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