What if Obama wins the presidency? Will ACORN get the credit for stealing the election? There are countless witnesses who can attest to the fact that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in 2000 and 2004, using the names of dead people and absentee ballots to follow their long-held mantra (spoken quietly in public) "Vote early, vote often" as if it is their birthright to rule the average American and rob us of our liberties. One example was the college student from Madison, Wisconsin, who bragged about voting 13 times for John Kerry. The Democrats are, as we speak, trying to steal another election that does not belong to them by birthright or anything virtuous. My dad said that Democrats have always tried to steal elections and have always stuffed ballot boxes, but that conservatives do not do that, because they (we) do not believe in winning elections by cheating. Is it scary that the Democrats offer freebies to garner votes, but in reality, would strip American liberties in the name of the common good? What's even scarier than Obama winning is the phony sense of a mandate, when he will claim that the people have spoken, a statement he is certain to make. The Abomination will say that this is a mandate on his policy plans, if, God forbid, he does win.
The reality is that what would have elected Hussein Obama would be a blatant despotic brainwashing of the public, using an amalgamation of media partiality, and an electorate tired of Bush, again because of the misrepresentations and outright lies by the main vein media. Using this Marxist and propagandist tripe as his directive, Hussein Osama Obama would misconstrue a win as America agreeing with his radical, anti-free market, anti-American leftist ideologies.
A triumphant Obama will misguidedly consider that America believes as he does, that you strengthen the fragile, by weakening the strong--or that you enrich the underprivileged by bankrupting the wealthy.
When Democrats in the House created the monstrous Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, John McCain spoke out against this nationalization of mortgage underwriting. And yet, the Democrats and the disinformation machine known collectively as the mainstream media transferred the blame to Republicans and conservatives who tried to stop the financial bleeding--this false accusation caused the Obama surge in the polls--consequently, Hussein Osama Obama will certainly misinterpret this to mean that America is tired of free market capitalism and is ripe for socialism, something that he believes in and calls "the change we need". Yeah? Says who?
If the media were actually unbiased, if Congressional Democrats admitted their financial illiteracy, if Loren Michaels and Saturday Night Live made fun of Joe “Plugs” Biden the way they mocked Sarah Palin, if Letterman was fair to John McCain instead of blatantly biased, America would have had a clearer, more evenhanded representation of the candidates in this presidential election.
As it stands, if Barack Hussein Osama Obama wins the presidency, it will have been a dishonest and unfair undertaking. America will slip down a path to collectivism from which she can never return to the liberties that we are about to give up. Why Americans would ever be dumb enough to vote for this poor excuse for a leader is beyond me.
Though Obama says he is not socialistic, when he says he will take the hard-earned dollars from every Joe the Plumber and every John the carpenter, to give that money to another who has not earned as much, that IS socialism, by any name.
The reality is that what would have elected Hussein Obama would be a blatant despotic brainwashing of the public, using an amalgamation of media partiality, and an electorate tired of Bush, again because of the misrepresentations and outright lies by the main vein media. Using this Marxist and propagandist tripe as his directive, Hussein Osama Obama would misconstrue a win as America agreeing with his radical, anti-free market, anti-American leftist ideologies.
A triumphant Obama will misguidedly consider that America believes as he does, that you strengthen the fragile, by weakening the strong--or that you enrich the underprivileged by bankrupting the wealthy.
When Democrats in the House created the monstrous Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, John McCain spoke out against this nationalization of mortgage underwriting. And yet, the Democrats and the disinformation machine known collectively as the mainstream media transferred the blame to Republicans and conservatives who tried to stop the financial bleeding--this false accusation caused the Obama surge in the polls--consequently, Hussein Osama Obama will certainly misinterpret this to mean that America is tired of free market capitalism and is ripe for socialism, something that he believes in and calls "the change we need". Yeah? Says who?
If the media were actually unbiased, if Congressional Democrats admitted their financial illiteracy, if Loren Michaels and Saturday Night Live made fun of Joe “Plugs” Biden the way they mocked Sarah Palin, if Letterman was fair to John McCain instead of blatantly biased, America would have had a clearer, more evenhanded representation of the candidates in this presidential election.
As it stands, if Barack Hussein Osama Obama wins the presidency, it will have been a dishonest and unfair undertaking. America will slip down a path to collectivism from which she can never return to the liberties that we are about to give up. Why Americans would ever be dumb enough to vote for this poor excuse for a leader is beyond me.
Though Obama says he is not socialistic, when he says he will take the hard-earned dollars from every Joe the Plumber and every John the carpenter, to give that money to another who has not earned as much, that IS socialism, by any name.
When you give your dollars freely to less privileged folks, it is charity. When you are forced by collectivist autocrats to give to others with no regard to what is in your heart, is that really living in a Christ-like fashion? Seriously... Is it? When the government forces you to give for the greater good, whatever that might be, when Obama confiscates the dollars you worked hard to earn, it is not only Marxist, socialistic, anti-American, and unfair, it is slavery. Are you truly free today? If Hussein Obama wins the presidency, you will never be free again. Talk about un-American. God help us, and by the way... Why should God bless America when we damn Him and kick Him out of our lives?