Despite the nonsense spouted by the “Parrot Press Corps”, to borrow a phrase coined by Mike Church, regarding the mainstream media and its blatantly biased reporting and supporting Barrack Hussein Obama, Palin has more executive experience than Obama, McCain, and Biden combined. Certainly, McCain is part of the establishment, not something I am thrilled about, but so is Obama. Joe Biden has been in Congress since I was a couple years old, even longer than McCain.
Minor tangent: Did you know that in the first 144 years in the life of the American republican experiment, all the laws written by the Congress filled 2,375 pages? In 2008, Congress passes enough laws to fill that many pages every single day that it is in session. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Take this as one example. The 2008 federal budget was over 3000 pages long.
Do you think that you are really free? Freedom is not what it used to be.