Sunday, February 11, 2007

Today I remembered....

Today I remembered why I don't clean fish tanks while Gabriel is awake. When he was younger, he would play in the dirty water and tip over the buckets, if I didn't catch them in time. Now he takes drinks out of the buckets of dirty water. I guess this is typical 2-year-old antics, but it is still frustrating. He always has a sippy cup sitting near him. Maybe he is mimicking the cats, who drink out of any open container of water they see. I am just not happy with the diarrhea he got from it. At least he drank out of the water from the tank with no fish. It was just algae and dirt...and snail poop? There are still freshwater snails from the water plants living in that tank. I guess I'll go back to cleaning tanks at nap time.