Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gabriel at the dentist

Gabriel had his first ever dentist appointment yesterday. I liked it because he is now more interested in brushing his teeth. The hygienist who cleaned his teeth couldn't believe that he was only 3 1/2 and had never been to the dentist before. He sat very still and was remarkably cooperative. They found that he has a small cavity on a front tooth. The dentist decided that he is cooperative enough that he is willing to try to fix it. I don't think he usually does that on children Gabriel's age. It makes me happy to know that he was such a good boy.

Special friend?

Gabriel's teacher told me that he did something really cute today: he was tattelling for his friend. There is a little girl in class with whom he is friends. I believe her name is Haley. Some kids were taking things from her or something and Gabriel would go to Mrs. Fundanet and tell about this. He did it in a way that confused the teacher, though, and he had to explain to her that it wasn't something happening to him; it was his friend who was experiencing this. She just thought it was so cute. This was the first day I heard that he was friends with a girl. It caused me to wonder how much he plays with her and what he really thinks of her since she isn't mentioned. He talks about Gretchen, a girl from church who is also in his class, but he has never talked about this girl. We will have to see what happens and if he talks about her.