Terri Schindler has taught us all, she has spoken volumes without one audible word about the value and dignity of life. God has a place and a purpose for each life. We can learn from Terri, and from the least of our brethren. God gives life, and no one but God can rightfully take life away.
It is time to take America back. Terri Schindler did not have to die. Activist judges and an amoral, untrustworthy, treacherous court system are now espousing repugnance for the most basic of liberties, the right to life. Clearly, these lawyers murdered Terri Schindler. A bunch of wise guys once put pen to paper and declared they were creating a new nation, saying, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Note life is mentioned first. Life is the most basic of all human rights. What part of that is hard to comprehend, judge?
The elected officials who said, “My hands are tied” are accomplices in the death of Terri Schindler, as well. There is a significant difference between the established ‘facts of the case’ and what is the undeniable truth. The definition of truth, in the court’s eyes, is an elastic, amoral piece of trash that can be perverted or disregarded at any time to suit the needs of the oligarchy in their lust for unconstitutional supremacy. By judicial decree, thanks to these lawyers, it is legally acceptable to murder ‘pre-born’ children, since the legal description of an unborn child is as ambiguous as Michael Jackson’s gender. Lawyers bend words to suit their purposes, no matter how disreputable they may be. Remember this, George Felos is an Evangelical Christian. Maybe he needs to look down one time to see the people he is trampling, in his quest for power and influence at any cost. According to that CBS poll, 82 percent of Americans said that the feeding tube should go. Had they educated themselves to the truth, that Terri was not EVER on life support, maybe they would have pangs of guilt for a millisecond before they went back to their reality TV. The 82 percent of Americans who said, “Terri must die,” are wrong, but we all have blood on our hands.
It is time to take America back from this judicial tyranny. This is not the America where I want to raise my children, and yes, we do have a choice in the matter.