Friday, April 01, 2005

Rest in peace, Terri Schindler

Today, i have no doubt that Terri Schindler lives on in a much better place. I am sure that she is looking down, wishing her family was in Paradise with her, as her parents and her siblings, who stood by her until the very end, and even in death, are trying to honor her memory with a proper Roman Catholic burial, while Michael Schiavo celebrates her death by tossing her ashes to the wind, and far from home. Did it ever occur to you that Terri's suffering and death was not in vain? If we learn something from this about the sanctity of life, maybe we can follow her example, knowing that she learned from the very paradigm of sacrifice, given about 2035 years ago.

I like this verse, and it says better than me that Terri is doing just fine, maybe even dancing in the presence of the Lord.

“O Death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15: 54b-58)

Judicial Tyranny part 4

Terri Schindler has taught us all, she has spoken volumes without one audible word about the value and dignity of life. God has a place and a purpose for each life. We can learn from Terri, and from the least of our brethren. God gives life, and no one but God can rightfully take life away.

It is time to take America back. Terri Schindler did not have to die. Activist judges and an amoral, untrustworthy, treacherous court system are now espousing repugnance for the most basic of liberties, the right to life. Clearly, these lawyers murdered Terri Schindler. A bunch of wise guys once put pen to paper and declared they were creating a new nation, saying, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Note life is mentioned first. Life is the most basic of all human rights. What part of that is hard to comprehend, judge?

The elected officials who said, “My hands are tied” are accomplices in the death of Terri Schindler, as well. There is a significant difference between the established ‘facts of the case’ and what is the undeniable truth. The definition of truth, in the court’s eyes, is an elastic, amoral piece of trash that can be perverted or disregarded at any time to suit the needs of the oligarchy in their lust for unconstitutional supremacy. By judicial decree, thanks to these lawyers, it is legally acceptable to murder ‘pre-born’ children, since the legal description of an unborn child is as ambiguous as Michael Jackson’s gender. Lawyers bend words to suit their purposes, no matter how disreputable they may be. Remember this, George Felos is an Evangelical Christian. Maybe he needs to look down one time to see the people he is trampling, in his quest for power and influence at any cost. According to that CBS poll, 82 percent of Americans said that the feeding tube should go. Had they educated themselves to the truth, that Terri was not EVER on life support, maybe they would have pangs of guilt for a millisecond before they went back to their reality TV. The 82 percent of Americans who said, “Terri must die,” are wrong, but we all have blood on our hands.

It is time to take America back from this judicial tyranny. This is not the America where I want to raise my children, and yes, we do have a choice in the matter.

Judicial Tyranny part 3

Were you among those who sided with Michael Schiavo, urging the torture of his de facto murder victim? The undertones surrounding George Felos and the ‘right to die’ crowd say she was just a vegetable and not worth saving. Oh really? Who next? How about babies with cleft palates, minor birth defects or the wrong gender? Not in America, not yet, but soon, yes, post-birth terminations for defects. We must follow those who are intellectually gifted, like much of Europe, (NOTE SARCASM). They know so much better than those silly Americans who worship an unconstitutional god, and actually still had a modicum, no, just an infinitesimal shred of respect for life… at least, until Terri Schindler was murdered by judicial diktat with the support of 82 percent of Americans, according to polls. That statement alone, according to polls, requires a huge disclaimer, penitence, atonement, and a tetanus shot. The implications of the brainwashed masses being led to the slaughter by the major media, seeking the poll result they need, to further their indoctrination into the guidelines of death as duty. It is just so foul, I am ashamed to be an American today. For what it is worth, I did not abandon Terri. Did you?

Judicial tyranny part 2

The arguments saying that this is a private matter ring hollow to the intellectually honest. This is a test case for ‘the duty to die’ in America today. Playing devil’s advocate, then, let’s say that Michael Schiavo physically harmed Terri Schiavo, putting her into this so-called persistent vegetative state, and ultimately caused her death by his legal ministrations. How is that remarkably different from Scott Peterson, murdering his wife and unborn son, Connor? That story was splashed on every channel on TV and in every paper for over a year. Wasn’t that a private matter? Or was it enthusiastically sadistic voyeurism?

Speaking further about private matters where the Supremes overstepped their bounds, Terri Schindler and abortion, not related, right? There are bold-faced parallels, as well. After all, children under a few years old are unable to feed themselves. Should they be killed because they are not autonomous beings? Well, yeah, if you are a liberal, your party demands protections of the professed right to have a doctor violate the Hippocratic oath and chop up, then vacuum an innocent child out of the safety of the womb in which he has been sheltered.

Coming soon to America, the right to kill your baby after the birth, but only in the first few years of life. How accomodating. We are civilized, after all. Baby killing is a civil right, according to the likes of Whoopee Goldberg, the Hollywood crowd, and millions of others. After all, unwanted babies should be killed. They are just slugs of flesh anyway. This is insanity, guaranteed to infringe upon the right to life of the least of our brethren. As I said, may God have mercy on America.

Judicial tyranny part 1

I heard that the Congress and the President intervening to save Terri Schindler were overstepping their authority. Oh really? Gee, all you constitutional geniuses who know so much better can answer this, “Whatever happened to ‘separate but equal’ and the ‘balance of power?’ Congress and the judiciary balance the President. The President and the judiciary balance the legislative branch. Who balances out the judiciary? In today’s America, nobody does.

In defense of the Constitution of these United States of America, the judicial branch was not intended to be the final arbiter of all decisions without any recourse. The legislative branch has the constitutional right, and the express written duty, to overrule the judiciary and to constrain the judiciary from acting on specific issues. This is constitutionally written and guaranteed as a balace of the powers of the three branches of federal government.

What we are seeing here is the opening salvo in the battle of the constitutional protections of America, versus the unelected and unaccountable judicial oligarchy. These lawyers in black dresses are completely out of control. They facilitated the murder of Terri Schiavo, and they are as guilty of negligence as George Felos and Michael Schiavo are of murder.

If the idea that a judge can order your death, though you have committed no crime, doesn’t scare the hell out of you, then you scare me more than a little bit.