Friday, June 20, 2008

Day Six - Coming Home Part Two

I never lost sight of this, but just walking in the door of my own home reminds me how much I missed my wife and our two beautiful sons. I love getting home. Damn, I am lucky. Thank God for that, and it is really good to be home again.

Day Six - Coming Home

I got home today at about 11:00 a.m. I am thrilled to be home, to see the boys and Heather again. Minnesota’s weather feels great compared to that wonderfully dry heat in Nevada. I know that I heard that comment five to ten times a day, and I still say that is ridiculous. When it is hot, it is hot!

The taxi driver was a Muslim guy, and he and I talked about religion a bit. It was not uncomfortable conversation, though. He asked why I was in Nevada, and when I mentioned gaming, he said that he “was prohibited from taking part in gambling.” I just figure that he is a smart person for doubling his money the easy way, folding it in half, and putting it back in his pocket. He did not strike me as being a militant person. I know that not all Muslims are wacko fundamentalist wing nuts, and that some of them make things look bad for the rest of the group. You cannot generalize and say that just because 19 Muslim radicals flew two planes into the World Trade Center, all Muslims are crazy. A lot of them are nuts, some claim to be moderates but are not, but there are still some out there who are levelheaded and tolerant. The same can be said for any religion.

If some people think that being of another religion is justifiable cause as self-appointed executioner of a death sentence, then those people may eventually face the same treatment at the hands of others. Religious nuts follow all the major creeds and faiths, and it is not my place to dictate what others do with their lives. We are told that the judgment for each of us is reserved for God alone. I just do my best to work on my personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my savior and try to help others to see the same light as the solution to the problems of the world. I figure that when God calls, we have a choice to either listen or ignore the call. We have free will and if we miss our chance to know God in a personal relationship, that is our own fault. I do my best, but God, I am only human. Thank goodness, He understands. I didn’t plan to make this a religious forum, at least not today, so I will leave my religious comments at that.

I am home with my family in Minnesota. I love this place. I am going to go see what I was missing out on for the last six days. Sweet! I am home. Ke aloha nô me ka mahalo kâua! Hello and good-bye until next time, with rich blessings for you always. To my two or three regular readers, later days!