Does it ever occur to anyone else what a bunch of hypocrites the Democrat politicos really are? Here is my brief example for the day.
In 2004, during the presidential campaign, W used a picture, a photograph of himself meeting with firefighters who risked their lives at the World Trade Centers during the cleanup after the terrorist attacks. The Democrats were outraged, saying that W politicized 9-11.
This week, Wannabe madame president Hill has a campaign video running, showing herself in a surgical mask at Ground Zero. The voice-over for the commercial says, "She stood by Ground Zero workers who sacrificed their health after so many sacrificed their lives, and she kept standing up against this administration's inaction."
Why is it that when Dems use footage from Ground Zero, it is an honorable thing to do, while when anyone else uses footage or even a still photo from the WTC site, it is gratuitious politicizing of the victims of 9-11? Why is it an offense against hallowed ground, exploiting the victims of 9-11, when W or any Republican mentions the WTC attacks, but it is perfectly acceptable for Dems to do the exact same thing?
That is the epitome of hypocracy in America today. But what is new? The Dems are a dangerous bunch of gas bags and, in their lust for power at any price, the dirty tricks the Democrats will use to feed their hunger for power simply knows no boundaries. They will sell out American interests at every turn in their hunger for power at any price. Do not trust these people. Do not be fooled by their trickery.
America's future should not be subject to political gamesmanship from either side of the aisle.