Jericho got me up at 2am to play and Gabriel wasn't sleeping well either. He kept calling me into his room. Eventually, I just took Jericho in there to play on the floor while I sat there with him so that Gabriel could see me and would go back to sleep. At 3:30 in the morning Jericho was still playing and Gabriel got up again, though he was obviously sleepy and not truly aware of reality. He called for Daddy twice, as if he was in the room. He followed up these calls with this sleepy statement that Doug would have loved to have heard in person: "I love you, Dad!"
The other great one was earlier in the evening when I was watching a cartoon with Gabriel. Dad was going to sleep and Gabriel was keeping me up forever, so we watched something. The background was a forest. Gabriel said it was beautiful. I kind of did a doubletake, because I did not expect him to describe it in that way. What I heard next, though, brought tears to my eyes. "Mom, you are beautiful, too." I asked him what he said, because I didn't think I heard him correctly. He repeated it. I nearly cried with him sitting in my lap. I kissed him and hugged him and thanked him for saying such a nice thing to me.
The other great one was earlier in the evening when I was watching a cartoon with Gabriel. Dad was going to sleep and Gabriel was keeping me up forever, so we watched something. The background was a forest. Gabriel said it was beautiful. I kind of did a doubletake, because I did not expect him to describe it in that way. What I heard next, though, brought tears to my eyes. "Mom, you are beautiful, too." I asked him what he said, because I didn't think I heard him correctly. He repeated it. I nearly cried with him sitting in my lap. I kissed him and hugged him and thanked him for saying such a nice thing to me.