Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Palin Thread Continues

The mainstream media machine tries to connect many of Alaska's problems to Sarah Palin. That just helps her, you aberrants! The fact that Governor Palin is a reformer and wants to clean up Alaska truly proves that she is the REAL candidate for Change. Saying Alaska tried to get the "Bridge To Nowhere" before Governor Palin pulled the plug only supports her emergent characterization as a reformer who will clean house, even if that means offending the folks in your own political party. Governor Palin didn’t care if she offended Republicans when she cut ties with Alaska’s former pork-barrel addiction.

Just for the record, Citizens Against Government Waste, last year ranked all United States senators by what they called “taxpayer friendliness”. Wouldn’t you know it, Joe Biden scored at 0%, and Obama came in at 10%. John McCain, the maverick who lives his beliefs, beyond and despite party lines, scored a laudable 100%.

I just read an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, in which Senator Jim DeMint, from South Carolina, stated the facts regarding Governor Palin's record on spending, and I quote:
“Mrs. Palin used her veto pen to slash more local projects than any other governor in the state’s history. She cut nearly 10% of Alaska's budget this year, saving state residents $268 million. This included vetoing a $30,000 van for Campfire USA and $200,000 for a tennis court irrigation system. She succinctly justified these cuts by saying they were ‘not a state responsibility.’”

Senator DeMint goes on to say that “Obama voted for numerous wasteful earmarks last year, including: $12 million for bicycle paths, $450,000 for the International Peace Museum, $500,000 for a baseball stadium and $392,000 for a visitor's center in Louisiana, [while] Gov. Palin cut Alaska’s federal earmark requests in half last year, one of the strongest moves against earmarks by any governor.”

Barack Hussein Obama accused Governor Palin of lying, and that she was one of the biggest supporters of earmarks for Alaska, but here are the facts. Governor Palin originally supported the so-called “Bridge to Nowhere”, but later she personally terminated the project in her own state. Governor Palin’s reason for doing so? She saw that federal earmarks were such an unnecessary burden on the federal budget, making the deficit ever greater, and thus she changed her position in a reasonable rethinking of earmarking. Governor Palin’s actions saved taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

To give credit where credit is due, Senator DeMint wrote that “Even the Alaska Democratic Party credits her with killing the bridge.” Who is the liar, Barrack Hussein Obama? Never forget that Obama and Biden had a chance to vote to kill the bridge project, and yet they both voted for the $223 million bridge. Even today, neither Obama nor Biden has withdrawn their support for the notorious “Bridge to Nowhere.”

DeMint concluded by noting that Palin “is one of the strongest anti-earmark governors in America. If more governors around the country would do what she has done, we would be much closer to fixing our nation's fiscal problems than we are.

“Mrs. Palin’s record here is solid and inspiring. She will help Mr. McCain shut down the congressional favor factory, and she has a record to prove it. Actions mean something. You can't just make stuff up.” Obama used those exact words (“You can’t just make stuff up”) but the irony of it is that Barack Hussein Obama is the liar, while Palin is busy telling the truth.

Did you know that about six months ago, the Alaskan Daily News reported that ‘Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens is aggravated about what he sees as Gov. Sarah Palin's antagonism toward the earmarks he uses to steer federal money to the state.’ Funny… which Alaska senator embarrassed the state and the Republican Party with an indictment for corruption? Senator Ted Stevens, you stink and are an embarassment to Republicans. Thank God I am not a Republican, but an independent with values and beliefs that vary from conservative to libertarian.

To Senator Ted Stevens, I say this: Enjoy life in prison. I hate to admit that there is enough corruption to go around, on both sides of the aisle. I just wish that there was a viable third side of the aisle, so to speak, because that "third side of the aisle" is where I would be found.