I see that another judge decided that the concerns of six parents were more important than those of 2,000 parents, in ordering the removal of a sticker from inside the cover of science books in Georgia. The sticker in question says,
"This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."What is wrong with that? Nothing, since all accepted scientific knowledge is based on theory. Even when research studies support a hypothesis, it remains a theory supported by empirical evidence, except in the rare cases it is so evident that it becomes law after many years of study, such as Newton's Laws. Darwinism, however, is now and always will be nothing but a theory. The decision was handed down by another activist judge who routinely legislates from the bench. Is it just my imagination or have these wingnuts all sold their souls? As the saying goes, "If you're living like there is no hell, you better be right."
Enough of that. Now, for something really serious. *wink* The NFL today announced their fine against Minnesota Viking receiver Randy Moss for his faux mooning incident. Initial reports were he would be fined $5,000. They hit him for $10,000, due to his past antics and bad boy image. If 'The Freak' keeps playing with the results he just had when the Vikings stomped the Packers, he can run around with a rubber glove on his stylish afro and shout "I'm a squid!" as far as I am concerned. Brett Favre doesn't get a word of criticism for the throat-slashing motions that he displays regularly, and isn't that more offensive than pretending to moon the people who razz you constantly? Anyway... I still say McNaab is overrated and I would love to see the Eagles out of the playoffs. Of course, the Eagles have a tradition: choking in the NFC final every year lately, though I wouldn't mind the Vikings ending that tradition so the Vikings can choke in the NFC final instead of the Eagles doing it. I don't think the Vikings will beat the Eagles, but I will cheer them on and hope for their best performance.
Finally... Heather mentioned the Pro-life rally next weekend. IF she isn't in labor or in the hospital with our baby, and she wants to go, as long as I do not get dispatched to work, I will be marching for life with her. We must stand for what is clearly morally right, though it saddens me that there is even debate about taking the life of an innocent child. What is abortion really about? Three facts come to mind. One, selfish and irresponsible behavior and the convenience of birth control through infanticide. How cute. Two, the fact that we as a society have lost respect for life is a dangerous precendent and a slippery slope that leads to nothing but more death. Third, abortion on demand is about money. Planned Parenthood wouldn't care one bit about the so-called reproductive right of women to murder their children, if not for the dollar signs. Abortion is obviously not a reproductive right. Abstinence... now that is a reproductive right.
Planned Parenthood and the abortion clinics are making a fortune blatantly harvesting and selling the body parts of the unborn children they encourage to be conceived and aborted, strictly for the purpose of opportunistic greed. Sick as it is, there is a fortune in dirty money to be made selling dead babies. What about the lives and rights of those innocent babies who didn't ask to be created? Don't believe this is true? Please, don't take my word for it. Take the word of medical professionals who got out of the 'infanticide for profit' business, thank God. Look here, and be warned, this isn't a pretty site, but it is the shameful truth. The world needs to know the truth and defend life. Heather and I will defend life at every turn, and I hope you do, too.
I will become a first-time father in the next week or two, and every day it becomes more clear just how precious life really is. Ask Mom. She chose life and what a great decision that was! Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. Later, guys.