Heather and I were trying to coordinate a Minnesota Twins game with my nephew, Marty, his wife, Tara, and their two boys, Brady and Ben. I wonder if Marty has taken his younger son to a baseball game yet. I am sure that they did go to Marty’s baseball games, but a pro game? No doubt. I remember that in Brady’s first year of life, he went to quite a few games. I think that is great. That is how sports fans are built, starting them out right and what is better than the sounds and the smells of the game, live and in-person? Do you know what is crazy? Gabriel is three years old, and he has yet to go to a baseball game. It is getting kind of late in the season, so the Twins games are becoming rather meaningless. Still, it would be interesting for him, and a new experience. The Dome isn’t a great stadium for baseball, but it still a cool experience. A Vikings game would be better, but any pro sporting event has its energy, so we will try to still go to a game this year. NFL games are just so expensive. We are settling for televised sports, I guess.
I bought Heather a book about Notre Dame football (concerning this year’s team). Heather does love her Notre Dame football. I really need to watch some college football games with her, especially since Smosh lives in Indiana. I guess some day, either we need to move to Indiana, or the rest of the family needs to move to Minnesota.
But back to sports... I think that college football does not move as fast as pro football, but IMNSHO, the penultimate sporting event is football, if you ask me. Basketball is for sissies. Baseball is for old-timers with plenty of time on their hands, and guys who like a slow pace (not as slow as golf… yawn!). I admit that baseball is the perfect sport for a hot, lazy summer Saturday afternoon, but this is August, baby, and to paraphrase the son of Bocephus, I AM READY for some football!
While I was talking about sports I find too slow-paced for my taste, I didn’t mention the sport for geriatric light-weights. GOLF. Talk about dull. To be honest, I am not a golfer, in case you didn’t know that. However, let me tell you, golfing on the WII is fun stuff. Gabriel and I golf either a practice round of three holes or a full round of nine. The funny part is that the G-Man gets a big kick out of hitting the ball in the water hazard and puts a big effort into making a splash with the ball as often as he can. I am getting some practice, and I admit (quietly, secretly) that getting a bogey making par is satisfying AND fun. I doubt that I could do as well with golf in the real world, but this gets me off the chair, away from the computer, and having fun with my son. The WII has been a good investment for us, because we have fun together. Sometimes Heather, G, and I all bowl together. When Josh was visiting, he was bowling with us, too. He adeptly repeats the exact same stance and body movements so that he gets a strike three or four frames in a row. What a booger!