Monday, October 01, 2007

Dave gets his shot at the big leagues

Dave got a job with the company. He starts today. I was not sure about whether he got hired or not, because my boss called me on Friday and wondered why he hadn’t gotten a call back from the brother. Of course, I called Dave right away and mentioned that the boss was trying to reach him. Dave called the boss and found out that they wanted him to come in on Monday for “20 minutes” and that he was then being cut loose for the week. Apparently, that meant that he was working in the office all this week. After that, I am guessing he will go for training in Reno or Las Vegas for a couple of weeks, but the good news is that Dave got his foot in the door. This will be a good opportunity for him. He deserves a shot, and having trained him on automated robotic equipment in the past, I know that he definitely has the technical ability to learn all of this. Not having experience is going to be a challenge for a while, but if anyone can learn this, that would be Dave. He picks up on technical subjects quickly, and I truly believe that he will do the same thing again. Besides, once he is in the field, I will almost certainly be providing his advanced training, the same training I have given other techs who now work for, and with me, all over Minnesota. Dave will do fine.

The long-term plan is for him to be a remote technician with a home base wherever he chooses to live up near Hibbing. This could be a life-changing turn of events for him. I hope that he really applies himself. If so, I think that he will become one of the techs who really make a difference in the customer service field. I would not have given such a strong recommendation if I did not believe that he could do this so well. After all, he will be working for me, and I do not need any headaches or to baby-sit for guys who don’t know what they are supposed to be doing to stay busy. I figure that he will work hard and become a great success in the field. He is a total rookie with zero experience today, but he knows that this is a big break, not having previous related work. I honestly believe that he will do great things. We will see, but today, he gets his shot in the big leagues.