Monday, March 21, 2005

I left just in time

Talk about something that makes a person think. Did anyone watch the news tonight and hear about that school shooting in Red Lake, MN? I was working there today, and I left one hour before the shootings. What is wrong with people these days, especially kids killing kids, and kids with guns? What is that all about? It sounds like eight people have been killed and 15 or so injured, by a student who is probably dead now, too. Apparently, the suspect killed his grandparents first and then headed for the school. It just really makes a person reflect, question and worry.

One of the executive directors for the Red Lake Band gave me what was, in his words, "a bit of friendly advice" to "get off the reservation before the sun goes down." I read an article about the Indian gang that is virulently active in Red Lake and Cass Lake. I can tell you from visiting the casinos on a regular basis that in these communities, hostility and murders aren't even a big deal any longer, as violence is an everyday occurrence. But when people get killed in a school, the news organizations take note. This really got my attention after I heard about it, particularly because I was the only non-Native American I saw in the city of Red Lake and at the casino the entire time I was there, which was about two hours. An hour later... all hell breaks loose.
There are countless news stories to support this thought: the whole world has gone crazy. This is madness. Can the hand of God's justice be far behind?

Today's News

I was happy to wake up and discover that Congress got its act together and passed the same version of Terri's Law so that President Bush could sign it at 1AM this morning. I hope the federal judge will find in favor of Terri. She deserves the right to live and should have had therapy a long time ago. Unfortunately, the randomly picked judge was appointed by Clinton. He may not be as persuaded to err on the side of life. After all, Clinton would never have appointed someone who was pro-life. We'll have to see what happens. Die with dignity, my foot! Being dehydrated and starved to death is not dignified!

On another note, it is obvious what the media thinks America wants to see when you turn on the TV and one of the top stories with as much importance as Terri's murder is Michael Jackson walking into court acting like he is in worse shape than Chief Justice Rehnquist. Who cares? He's a wiener! He's only doing it to get publicity. Quit giving him what he wants!