Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Followup: Something I realized

When I woke up this morning, for some reason it dawned on me. The reason that the Democrats cried foul when W used a PHOTOGRAPH of himself at Ground Zero and yet, it is perfectly acceptable for Hillary to use VIDEO of herself in a surgical mask at the WTC is obvious. The Dems know that George W. will never publicly criticize them for doing precisely the same thing that they criticized him for doing. Further, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media are two cogs in the very same political machine, and the Dems fully know and realize that their media machine (also known as CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Herald, AP, Reuters, Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Star and Sickle, et al.) will blast G. W. for his actions, with loud and ugly outcry. Yet the Democrats further know that they will never be criticized for doing exactly the same thing, supposedly exploiting 9-11.

What a bunch of hypocrites and phonies. All they care about is their political power. They certainly do not care about the welfare, safety, and longevity of the United States, as long as their dirty tricks keep them in power for another day. Beware. These people cannot be trusted!