Saturday, June 21, 2008

Glad to be Home

How great it is to be home! The weather in Minnesota has been nice, not too warm and we haven’t had to run an air conditioner once yet. Thank goodness for global warming and Al “The Liar” Gore. Where is this evidence for human-induced global warming? It is just a bunch of lies and distortions intended to confiscate American wealth and hand it over to the United Nations to be redistributed to third world nations whose own governments and systems of economic activities keep them in poverty. The dollars that liberal wackos propose to use to fight global warming would be better used for many other things, including supporting democratic regimes in all of these totalitarian countries where our confiscated wealth will be given. In five years, global warming will be the outright joke that it is privately now. Take a look at the financial statements of Al Gore and see that he is now many times more wealthy than he was five years ago, as he “buys” carbon credits from HIMSELF via his shell company. Anyone who says that conservatives do not care about the environment are spouting sophomoric rhetoric. After all, conservatives have children and want to leave a better world for their children as well. We just think that people should stop whining and should assert themselves in an effort to make their lives better through hard work, instead of complaining and mass victimization. How does that help anyone when the tax dollars from hardworking entrepreneurs are confiscated and handed over to people who do nothing to contribute to the well-being of society?

Get this now. Are fuel-cell vehicles the answer to minimizing vehicle pollution? Not anytime soon, that is for sure. The dollars required for fuel cell vehicles are ridiculous! For example, in Santa Clara, California, there is a fleet of municipal buses that use fuel cells because those are “zero emissions” vehicles. Consider this: the cost of using a diesel bus is $1.61 per mile. The cost of using a fuel cell vehicle per mile is $51.66. Got that? PER MILE. You KNOW that liberals are in charge of that boondoggle. If you ever want to read some truth in science, spend a few minutes browsing at and get some enlightenment. Good luck and God help us!