Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Putting the Brakes on My Earlier Plans

Disregard all that happy, mushy gushing about going home. It turns out that I am needed at a location in North Dakota. In the morning, I am traveling to that site. I am staying in the hotel at the casino and heading home Thursday. I hope to be home by Thursday afternoon, but at this moment, I can't say that something else will not come up to delay my return home. I am disappointed, but that is part of the job responsibility. I will be home when I get home, and whining, complaining, or cursing the situation is neither going to make me feel better about being away from my family, nor going to get me home any faster. That's life.

I will stay in the hotel one more night. We are watching our overtime hours, and because of that, I will very likely be in hotels more than I have been in the last few years. I don't know how that translates, but am guessing that I will be in a hotel at least every few weeks, if only for one night here and there. It doesn't make college assignments easier, but I will ponder that difficulty and find a workable solution in good time... whatever that means.

I have been sitting at this computer, working for six hours. It is time to log off and try to sleep so I can drive in the morning. The next stop is five hours away. I will finish the work and check into the hotel once again. From there, home is about another five hours away on Thursday.

I do not want to wish my life away, but in my mind, I am counting the hours until I am home again.

Still Training, but it is Break Time!

It’s lunch time again. Today we are covering the VLC game platform. The funny thing about it is that this hardware is so obsolete! When my current employer acquired my former employer and its subsidiary, VLC, seven years ago, the stated plan was to not continue with VLC support. There are still thousands of these old machines in service, almost exclusively in South Dakota. So here I am, training to support machines that haven’t had parts manufactured for them in seven years. How do all these little convenience stores and store-front "casinos" keep their games running with no manufacturer parts available? As explained to me by several operators this morning, and I quote, “Can you say E-Bay?” If it weren’t for E-Bay, many of the little gambling operations in the Dakotas would be out of business. As casinos finally dump their old VLC games, they auction the hardware on E-Bay, keeping other small operators running for awhile. I just found that interesting.

I am looking forward to heading home in the morning. I have to help load a training game into Huntz's truck, and then I can head back to Minnesota. I still may have to stop at a casino on the way home, but am doing my best to avoid it, by requesting that the other Minnesota techs provide some telephone support while I am in training. I don’t want to miss out on sharing my birthday with Heather and the boys. I have some school work to do tomorrow, so it will probably be a fairly uneventful evening, but I still want to be home with my family to note the anniversary of the day I was born about a million years ago, give or take a millennia.

By the way, if I had been born less than half an hour later, I would have been born on Friday the 13th. Would that have been good or bad? I am not superstitious, so it probably doesn’t matter. That was my random thought for the day. Time to go back to class.

I am going home tomorrow. Sweet!

I say "Merry Christmas". Oh, does that offend you?

I read an article this morning about how a few members of the Christian clergy in Great Britain are telling people to “stop being daft about Christmas.” More specifically, the point was that it was fine to celebrate Christmas from a Christian viewpoint and to stop worrying about offending non-Christians. I couldn’t agree more.

A cashier at the local Wal-mart last week wished me a “Merry Christmas” in those words. I specifically thanked her for saying that. She thought I was offended and thanking her sarcastically. I reassured her that, no, I was sincerely offering my thanks for noting that Christmas is the point of the season. Christmas is not a secular holiday, and if that offends someone, too bad! The cashier then said that even though they were permitted to say “Merry Christmas,” employees were discouraged from doing so, and should say “Happy Holidays” instead. If that works for you, so be it, but I am tired of the political correctness nonsense.

When was the last time that you heard a Jewish person complaining about the mention of Christmas? Would you be offended if you heard someone say “Happy Hanukkah?” I didn’t think so, and neither would I.

The fact of the matter is that December 25th, for the majority of Americans, is a Christian holy day, and as such, it should publicly and proudly be recognized with a hearty “Merry Christmas!” If anyone finds that offensive, that person has bigger problems than the mere recognition of Christmas by name being odious to their sensibilities, or lack thereof.

Face it. Christmas is called by that name for a reason. Christ is the star of the show during the Christmas season. I am proud to trumpet that to the world!

Are you offended by that? I hope you get the attention you are looking for by standing against more than 90 percent of Americans, who happen to be Christians or of other faiths but have no problem with Christ in Christmas FOR Christians. Keep it up… it is soooooo cute. Really. Very cute. Now please, get a life!