I have been writing my posts in MS Word and didnt get around to posting all of my comments, so I am doing that today, with the date of creation added. That is how my blog often gets updated, with ten posts in one day, all with different dates, because the entries were created on different days. Makes sense to me. You know how it goes... too busy to blog every day, or too lazy to log in to blog. Potato, po-tah-to. In any case, I wrote a bunch of comments regarding Sarah Palin. There are enough comments from different days, and that is the point of the name of this series: The Palin Thread.
In August, I met with my insurance agent, who is a former Minnesota legislator, and I told him that Sarah Palin was the single best person to be on the ticket with John McCain, and even a better choice than Tim Pawlenty. A week later, I stopped in to see my agent again, and he said, “You called it!”
I hope that he runs for office again. Heather and I will both volunteer for his campaign in a minute if he throws his name in the running. We need someone to represent us who is not part of the organization. Take Jon Ward for example. This guy was a teacher in Brainerd. Okay, so he was named Teacher of the Year. Great. We need teachers like that. It isn’t for me to tell him how to run his life, but when he retired and ran for state office, who was he representing? The teachers’ union. That is quite a biased background from which to legislate. Ward is one of the people who thinks that the answer to lousy education is more money, always more money. Sure, and what do they say about being in a hole? The public educational system in the United States is the captive of the Marxists in the teachers’ union. When you are in a hole, stop digging. Jon Ward as representative simply represents a bigger shovel, not a ladder to climb out of the hole.
Back to Sarah Palin for vice president. She is perfect for the job for plenty of reasons. She is definitely not part of the establishment, like all the other candidates, including Barrack Hussein “Karl Marx” Obama. The reason that Palin is perfect is the same reason that Biden is not ideal. The longer people stay in politics, the more likelihood they have of getting corrupted, serving their own interests and lining their pockets, blinded by power and removed from the realities of the people they serve.