To anyone who actually knows anything at all about me, this is not a news flash: I am not thrilled about the results or the integrity of the presidential election. Hell, I do not even think that there is much integrity remaining in the process after this election. I really do not want to dwell on that today. Other than to say that I do not trust either Saddam Hussein Osama Obama or Joe “Hair Plugs” Biden whatsoever, I am giving my mind a rest from the political discussion for a little while. I am sure that some of the folks who occasionally read this thing will be relieved to NOT discuss politics after this ridiculously long presidential cycle.
I have only two comments regarding politics and then I will give it a necessary respite for a time of my choosing, determined by the moment I feel it is time to write about politics again, whenever that may be. It just won’t be in the next week, and likely not much of anything before the swearing in on the Koran, so help Obama, in Allah’s name, actually takes place. My two comments then: I plan to emulate the main-vein biased media in one way for the next four years, until our socialist president-elect is voted out or he buys the presidential office for another four years. He will be referred to as Mr. Obama, NOT as president, just as the mainstream parrot press corps has referred to President George W. Bush as Mr. Bush for the last eight years. As a renaissance "enumerated powers" conservative, I will be the first to admit, to my chagrin, that Bush has stumbled plenty of times and made many missteps. President Bush is NOT A CONSERVATIVE. What did you expect but wandering from conservativism? Duh! However, all of the blame does not belong with Bush, and MOST of the blame falls on Congress, which, I might add, has been under the control of the Democrat Party for two years. Have you noticed that the economy is falling apart on the Democratic Congressional watch? Coincidence? Yeah right!
In any case, President George W. Bush has earned my respect, for putting up with all the bullpucky from the biased mainstream media with class and dignity, despite the fact that the media certainly do not deserve any respect at all. What a bunch of utopian, euphorian, socialist-leaning, big-government loving, constitutional originalism-hating liberal anti-American hacks!
My second and final political comment for awhile: I received an email discussing the 2012 presidential election. Geez! I will only say that we need a breather from presidential electioneering for at least a year, and that my favored choices for candidates are Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin, two conservatives with a bit of Ronald Reagan’s values. That’s it. No more politics until… sometime later, in 2009. Thanks. Over and out.