I was keyed up about the forecast of the first snowstorm of the year. It is snowing, I will give you that, but it doesn’t look to be a wicked snowstorm as the early predictions said. Bummer. I am ready for snow falling in extremes measured in feet, not inches!
We are at last getting the zone valve replaced for the basement. We will be able to keep the basement toasty warm for the birds while not sweltering upstairs. Our first gas bill had a sighting of the ghost of Christmas future: this is going to be a pricey heating season. Hopefully, the plumber will show up today. We hire a retired old duffer, but Heather says he is a pleasant gentleman, so if we can supplement his retirement income while getting quality work done economically, that is even better!
The water and sewer project is almost complete. The subcontractor paved our driveway on Friday. Yesterday, they tore up the new asphalt around the (buried) manholes so that they can pour concrete around the access points. If they pour concrete today, they are determined manly men who will, no doubt, look like snowmen out there before long. They will be finishing two weeks late. This project was slated to be complete already. Typical, but the taxpayers are footing the bill, so who cares, eh? Not the shitty, er, city council. Those guys are little aspirant Nazis with control issues: "You can't do this; you can't do that", blah blah blah, "not without our express permission! Don’t forget to bow down to your councilmen!" During council meetings, they tell private citizens with contrasting viewpoints to "sit down and shut up." The city council spends like drunken sailors, never bearing in mind that taxpayers foot the ever-increasing bill, taking a larger percentage of our income for their pet projects, just like that embarassment called the United States Congress. On a local, state, and federal level, these guys are all the same bunch of con artists and liars, working diligently to protect their nefarious interests and line their bottomless pockets. As for John Q. Citizen, do we have an authentic representative government? The answer is barefaced in its self-important gauche vulgarity ... representative government? Not anymore.
We are at last getting the zone valve replaced for the basement. We will be able to keep the basement toasty warm for the birds while not sweltering upstairs. Our first gas bill had a sighting of the ghost of Christmas future: this is going to be a pricey heating season. Hopefully, the plumber will show up today. We hire a retired old duffer, but Heather says he is a pleasant gentleman, so if we can supplement his retirement income while getting quality work done economically, that is even better!
The water and sewer project is almost complete. The subcontractor paved our driveway on Friday. Yesterday, they tore up the new asphalt around the (buried) manholes so that they can pour concrete around the access points. If they pour concrete today, they are determined manly men who will, no doubt, look like snowmen out there before long. They will be finishing two weeks late. This project was slated to be complete already. Typical, but the taxpayers are footing the bill, so who cares, eh? Not the shitty, er, city council. Those guys are little aspirant Nazis with control issues: "You can't do this; you can't do that", blah blah blah, "not without our express permission! Don’t forget to bow down to your councilmen!" During council meetings, they tell private citizens with contrasting viewpoints to "sit down and shut up." The city council spends like drunken sailors, never bearing in mind that taxpayers foot the ever-increasing bill, taking a larger percentage of our income for their pet projects, just like that embarassment called the United States Congress. On a local, state, and federal level, these guys are all the same bunch of con artists and liars, working diligently to protect their nefarious interests and line their bottomless pockets. As for John Q. Citizen, do we have an authentic representative government? The answer is barefaced in its self-important gauche vulgarity ... representative government? Not anymore.
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