Thursday, October 13, 2005

How would you answer this question?

Are you a conservative or a liberal? Okay, lets stick to one philosophical area. Are you a fiscal conservative or a fiscal liberal? To find out, choose a multiple-choice answer to the following: The United States Congress passed a budget for this year that includes a total of $3,700,000,000 of spending. Do you say this is:

A) Geez, Hoss, that is a lot of money.
B) That is enough money for me to gamble at casinos every day for years.
C) We can give a free house to every person in New Orleans who didn’t evacuate, and give them free healthcare with that much money.
D) That is a frightening, horrific amount of government, dude.

If you answered (A), you are likely under 25 and do not have a mortgage or children yet. If you answered (B), you may be a liberal but you actually have a job and no government benefits. If your answer was (C), you are definitely a liberal. And, if you answered (D), you are one of the mainstream conservatives who are terrified by the government bureaucracy that is destroying the economic future of America. That annual budget is so much that the budget deficits and the national debt, will never, ever be repaid. Not in my lifetime, not in yours, not in my great-grandchildren’s grandchildren’s lifetime. It will not be repaid. Ever. The nations holding the notes the United States owes will not wait forever to be repaid. Can you say “bankruptcy on a national scale” and the end of freedom as we know it?

By the way, the annual budget of 3.7 trillion dollars, if that money actually wasn’t just IOUs, would, if made of one dollar bills stacked in a pile, stretch to the moon and back more than two times. That is, a pile of one dollar bills in a pile standing over 717 thousand miles tall! That is also a budget for one fiscal year. If that doesn’t scare the shit out of any taxpaying American, what will?

These elitist morons in Congress really need to be taken down a notch or three. What can a person do? For starters, as Americans, we can throw the bums out and stop voting for incumbents. The problem is that there are only a statistical handful of people who stay informed enough to actually know the issues and what the incumbent self-anointed gods of power stand for. Most people these days have forgotten that these spendthrift idiots, both Republicans and Democrats, work for us. We do not work for them! That tax money belongs to the people. A little accountability would be nice, but then again, the economic future of this country is already on very thin ice... and I hear the cracks forming now.

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