"Supporters of Michael Schiavo's effort to end his wife's life have asked how conservatives, who claim to believe in the sanctity of marriage, can fail to respect his husbandly authority. The most obvious answer is that a man's authority as a husband does not supersede his wife's rights as a human being -- a principle we never thought we'd see liberals question." --James Taranto
You have got to stand for something or you’ll… be an amoral liberal (same thing, amoral EQUALS liberal). Whichever way the pollster wind blows, so goes the belief system of the Socialist Democratic Nazi Party of America (a more accurate name for the Democrap party, since that is basically what they stand for: death to the innocent, absolute taxation without tangible representation, confiscation of the wealth of the hard-working and giving that money to the slothful, idle, and those unlawfully in the United States). Of course, the Democrap Party also stands up for your civil rights, except, of course, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Oh, and the right to defend yourself, to pray anywhere you want, to do just about anything that would cause you to be a reflection on the life that God would want you to live.
The wacko oligarchic blood-sucking lawyers in black dresses who call themselves our judiciary have declared that the hypocrite phony named Michael Shiavo can execute his wife with the support of a judicial diktat, even though hearsay is inadmissible in Florida courts. So, the word of the Schindlers doesn’t count for a thing, but the lying word of Michael Shiavo, wife-abuse enthusiast, is the gospel truth… the gospel of death, and a license to kill, that is. Hearsay is useless in Florida, unless you want to kill your wife, and you have had a common law wife for the last ten years. Not only is that adultery and abandonment, both of which are taboo, but having two wives at the same time is, Michael Shiavo, homicidal megalomaniac that you are, polygamy, which is unlawful in every one of the 50 states of this once-great union. I have got to tell you, that George Felos, "Right to murder your wife" advocate, is one scary little man. He speaks with a forked tongue, just like his master. It is not for me to judge, but i find it hard to imagine that these two will be anywhere but in Hades one day soon. You know the arrogant monsters I am talking about.
If Terri Shiavo dies, after suffering these next few days for critical nourishment, those who have taken Jesus Christ as their savior will go to Golgotha. We will see Terri passing from this mortal subsistence to her great reward, while we who are left behind in this decaying world will see a startling transformation. Maria Esperanza, the distinguished Catholic seer, foretold that the death of an innocent childlike individual would be the harbinger of a long-anticipated swell welcoming God’s purifying Grace.
It is starting to happen. It is in evidence in the natural world. There is chaos and darkness. For now, it seems that Satan is triumphant. He has put the scales of evil blindness before the moral sight of America and the human race. We are consoled in knowing that no matter how sinister it becomes, the anguish and the gloom will be followed by renewal. I would be surprised if Michael Shiavo and his purely malevolent lawyer, George Felos, will allow Terri Schiavo-Schindler to live until Easter Sunday. Somehow, that seems appropriate, should God take her home on Good Friday at 3:00 p.m., by Easter morning, Jesus Christ will roll back the stone from the tomb, taking Terri in the radiance of his Love.
I have no doubt that soon she will be rejoicing in paradise before God in Heaven. My simple prediction, Terri is going home soon, as heartbreaking as that is to those left behind. Terri has an unalienable right to life, something that her so-called husband has no legal or moral right to steal from her, but he already has. Soon, Terri will be whole again. How very appropriate that reward will be.