Wednesday, March 30, 2005

First Rain/ Thunderstorm

Gabriel slept through his first thunderstorm this morning. It stopped thundering after awhile and continued raining. He did see a bit of that. Being that he was a winter baby like me, this was the first rain he has seen. I credit us making noise while Gabriel sleeps for his ability to sleep through the thunder. I'll like that later when I don't have to share our bed with a scared kid who woke up during a storm. I'm not saying that it will never happen, just that it is less likely. By the way, the rain did more than just entertain Gabriel. It proved to me that the dripping from the skylight that Doug experienced the other day was not leaking. It was just condensation from our inadequately ventilated house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey that is a good start for him sleeping thru a thunderstorm. Good Boy Gabriel. Your mom will love you as you get older, but that doesn't mean that you can't still crawl in bed with them. I think that might be a trait of a man, what man wakes up in the middle of the night for a baby or a child needing something. I know your papa didn't. You go little boy!
love nana