Sunday, March 13, 2005

Doug's first assignment

Doug's first assignment was to write an autobiography. As usual, it was informative yet entertaining. It cracks me up to see him edit it five times. This is typical of Doug, but it makes me smirk every time. I would only bother to edit twice, at the most. I keep telling him that he would make a great newspaper editor, English professor or high school English teacher. The local newspaper could certainly use better editing than it is getting, and both high school and college students could benefit from his writing and grammar skills. right about now is where Doug would pipe up and say, "Quit talking about my Grammer!" (Grandma, get it?) Needless to say, I like to watch Doug work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Agree Doug should take a job in any line of business. He is very good in writing in all forms. He has a knack for writing, creating, photography, outdoors gardening, etc. I keep telling him he needs to start a side business his photography but he tells me when i start my business for parties he will start his business and we can team together. Well that will be awhile i think for both of us. Cheers to Doug and his writing ability! love mom