Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Road trip, no baby yet

Today, I am leaving on a road trip to Grand Portage. I will be gone from this morning until tomorrow night. Unfortunately, on the way to Grand Portage, the north-eastern-most point in Minnesota (directly north of upper Michigan across Lake Superior), I have to detour to Red Lake, which is about two hours from Fargo, North Dakota. With service time, I figure the drive to Grand Portage will take me around 11 hours. Boy, am I excited. Not really.

Heather had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning. Of course, I went, as I always do if possible. The latest news? Most likely, the baby isn't going to be born early, and it is very unlikely that Heather will be in labor before I return tomorrow night. You know what they say about Murphy's Law? I don't think it applies in this case, since this isn't anything going wrong. Our new baby is something going quite right! As for old Murphy, he can go away. I am still predicting the baby will be born on the 21st, though if anything, I am predicting earlier, not later, than the baby will be born. That is my take on it anyway.

The road is calling. Time to go. Later.

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