Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Missing Doug

Yep. Doug is missing. Nowhere to be found. Oh wait, that's because he is in a hotel room five miles from the Canadian border. No, what I really meant was that I miss my husband. I hate trips that involve him staying overnight somewhere else. Actually, if he didn't have a hotel room set up for him already, I probably would have gone with him. I love the drive to Grand Portage. It is beautiful and woodsy. I like stopping by Lake Superior on the way. Anyway, the casino hotel does not allow dogs, and our lap warmers can't be left alone forever. So, tonight, they will have the opportunity to occupy Doug's side of the bed, though I suspect that they will mostly curl up against me instead. They miss him, too.

Well, I'm taking my emotional, pregnant self up to bed, because I'm tired, too.
Now I lay me down to sleep...

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