The traditional media are saying that Sarah Palin fired the Public Safety Commissioner of Alaska for refusing to terminate her brother-in-law, Mike Wooten, because Wooten and Palin’s sister were going through an ugly divorce. As usual, the New York Times twisted the truth in their efforts to aid and abet the Marxist enemies within. The Old Gray Spin-meisters who hope to coronate Barrack Hussein Obama king propagandized last week that Palin audaciously used her influence to get the Public Safety Commissioner fired. Why would she do this? The main vein media claim the reason is because Wooten threatened the life of Sarah Palin’s father. This is not conjecture or rhetoric. This is a fact supported by the evidence. Wooten did this, and this has been substantiated and proven to be a fact. Instead of termination, Wooten, the trooper, faced a five-day suspension. Wooten also was seen drinking in his patrol car, and he tasered an 11-year old kid, who happened to be his Palin’s nephew, and Wooten’s stepson. These statements have also been substantiated and proven to be absolutely and completely factual.
This part is my opinion, but it is common sense. Mike Wooten was obviously not worthy of working in law enforcement, let alone to be armed by the state of Alaska. Wooten should never have been wearing a badge, and the fact that he was threatening the lives and safety of his in-laws seems to be irrelevant to the New York Times. Why should she, as governor, not be allowed to fire a state worker who was insubordinate and obviously not a suitable employee? That Wooten was a member of her family, albeit by marriage, is irrelevant. Of course, the union protected Mike Wooten from termination, and consequently, we have this “Troopergate” scandal, courtesy of the liberal media and the socialist-leaning union. The bias is blatant, as always. When would Governor Palin have been justified in firing the Public Safety Commissioner for refusing to terminate Mike Wooten, when Officer Wooten killed somebody?
This part is my opinion, but it is common sense. Mike Wooten was obviously not worthy of working in law enforcement, let alone to be armed by the state of Alaska. Wooten should never have been wearing a badge, and the fact that he was threatening the lives and safety of his in-laws seems to be irrelevant to the New York Times. Why should she, as governor, not be allowed to fire a state worker who was insubordinate and obviously not a suitable employee? That Wooten was a member of her family, albeit by marriage, is irrelevant. Of course, the union protected Mike Wooten from termination, and consequently, we have this “Troopergate” scandal, courtesy of the liberal media and the socialist-leaning union. The bias is blatant, as always. When would Governor Palin have been justified in firing the Public Safety Commissioner for refusing to terminate Mike Wooten, when Officer Wooten killed somebody?
To elucidate, we can make some safe assumptions, if only for the sake of discussion. Let's "assume" that the facts of the situation, for the purpose of discussion, constitute an ethics violation: Governor Sarah Palin terminated the Alaska Public Safety Commissioner because he refused to fire a state trooper who made death threats against a senior citizen, and used a Taser on his 11-year old stepson.
Face it, folks, because here it is: In Alaska, the Public Safety Commissioner is a governor-appointed position, held “at the discretion of the governor”. What that means is that she can fire any person holding that job title for cause or even if there is no cause at all. If Alaskans do not like that, they can change Alaska state law and leave the whining to the liberals.
I have absolutely no qualms with the governor exerting political influence to have a state trooper - a public servant who is responsible for public safety - terminated for making death threats against an old man and using a weapon on an 11-year old. The fact that the seasoned citizen was her father is irrelevant. The fact that the child who was tasered happens to be Governor Palin’s nephew is also irrelevant, when the public safety is put at risk by the very law officer charged with defending the peace.
Again, let’s enter dangerous territory of assuming, despite the risk of making an ass of “u” and “me” for our assumptions. Let us assume that Governor Palin’s termination of the Public Safety Commissioner of Alaska WAS an ethics violation. Extremist Palin-haters would rather self-righteously claim "Ethics first!" at the expense of safety for the most vulnerable in our society, the old and the young. Ridiculous as always, courtesy of your friendly neighborhood liberals in the Parrot Press Corps. Meanwhile, liberals keep goose-stepping down that greasy slope towards Marxism and selling out America to the U.N. and one-world government, with one-world government taxation and transference of wealth from America to the rest of the world. I say to all of you socialist wing nuts: Your lunatic fringe attacks on Governor Sarah Palin only serve to isolate you. Your personal attacks highlight the fact that you are scared, because wannabe king Obama is faltering in the polls, and to you, it doesn’t make sense. These dumb American commoners just don’t get it, that Obama is the savior we have all been waiting for. Or not.
Most of us don't wear tinfoil hats and drink Marxist Kool-Aid. You liberals and your politics of personal destruction only confirm that Governor Palin is the right choice for the real America. That’s me. Not you Marxists.
Liberals, eat my shorts.
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