Heather had the first ultrasound yesterday. Of course, I went along to tend to Gabriel and to keep him entertained. Even if this was our first baby, though, I wouldn't have missed this. When Heather was pregnant with Gabriel, I went to every appointment until the last month, when the appointments were scheduled weekly. I hope to do the same thing this time around. There will be a level-2 ultrasound coming up in about a month. The last time, I didn't realize it was the last ultrasound of the pregnancy. Otherwise, I would have been one of those guys who brings the camera along. I do plan to bring the movie camera for the detailed ultrasound. It is amazing what you can see, especially with the baby moving. I figure I will add that to a movie that I can show our kids when they are a bit older and can appreciate it. That is, I will make a movie that shows all this stuff, sort of a history of the life of our second child, the same reason I have been saving video for Gabriel. Another reason? The grandparental units are far from here, and this way, they can share in the experience. I have gotta tell you, seeing your baby moving is cool, even if it is an electronic image that requires some interpretation. Being a parent is just really cool.
This is the first ultrasound picture of our baby. The dashed line across the picture is being used to measure the baby from head to hip. The measurement is used to accurately estimate a developmental frame of reference. Based on this picture, Heather is 16 weeks into the pregnancy. That is very accurate, based on our estimates, too. Four months already. Wow! Another reason to digitally record the little things: the time just sails by so fast, and I don't want to miss the details.
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