Saturday, January 20, 2007

Border Patrol

By now, you have certainly probably heard about the two Border Patrol agents who are spending the first week of 11-12 year terms in prison. Why? Well, for actually showing some backbone and defending our borders. Now, if you listen to the news, you may hear all this rhetoric about how these Border Patrol officers didn’t follow the protocol as required. At this point in time, I think that is somewhat irrelevant. The United States is plainly in the midst of an invasion that is designed to take over the Southwest and reclaim a number of states, including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California. While Mexico is never going to reclaim the Southwestern United States, in a legal sense, what Mexico is working diligently to do is the de facto theft of American wealth, security, and prosperity for Mexico. Don’t get me wrong. It isn’t the fault of the work-a-day Mexican citizen that their government is corrupt, incompetent, and controlled by criminals and drug cartels.

It makes me sick to see that our much-maligned president doesn’t appear to care about securing the borders. The border fence bill that became law is a joke, and was paying lip service to the more than 70 percent of Americans who call themselves moderates or conservatives. Most Americans are demanding that we secure the borders. One would think that, being a Texan, G.W.B. would actually care about what happens to Texas. It appears otherwise. One has to wonder if the man has sold his soul and sold out this nation to the misguided socialists living south of our borders, all for a legacy. I have supported G.W. in many of his actions, but in recent actions, I believe that he is adrift and the leadership rudder of the current administration is irreparably broken.

I have great admiration and respect for the Border Patrol agents who put their necks on the line to defend our southern border. The illegal alien creep trying to cross the border wasn’t an angel or a boy scout. The guy is a drug pusher who was transporting more than 800 pounds of marijuana across the border INTO America, obviously not for his personal consumption!! Sometimes I wonder when defending America will become a case of doing what is best for the United States first, and taking care of the rest of the world second. If that offends some people, so be it.

Regarding the border agents who are in prison, they didn’t act completely appropriately. I acknowledge that. However, in a thankless job, they should be used as an example of the support we should and must give our border patrol agents. These guys are Hispanic, but so what? They were looking out for America. God bless them. George Bush, please, for once, reclaim your cowboy swagger and pardon these upstanding American citizens. If not, what message does that send to the thousands of agents who are trying to defend our borders against these criminal invaders? Enough is enough! I signed a petition calling for President Bush to pardon our Border Patrol agents who put their lives on the line in defense of America. Consider signing the petition, too. Thanks.

Oh, and God bless you, too.

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