Monday, May 01, 2006

Stealing American civil rights

If you had your TV or radio on for more than a few minutes today, you had to hear that the illegal aliens are collectively demanding amnesty, stating emphatically that they have every bit as much right to be here as you or me. Riiiiiight. And, uh… further, these so-called undocumented workers are saying that they are angry because they are being called criminals. Oh, the horror of it all. How dare Americans slander these honorable people? After all, in this politically correct world, they steadfastly maintain that they are not breaking any laws, and that Americans are hurting them by insulting their [cough, cough] honor. In their words, these people are not illegal invaders challenging the sovereignty of the United States. Further, the words I heard today from one wacko Mexican woman, loaded with resentment towards American citizens: America has no right to admit or deny entrance to whomever we choose, and that we have no right to secure or close the borders. Political correctness demands that we understand that illegal immigrants are merely citizenship challenged… and you [pointing at YOU] are at fault, for not being a welcoming party to the invasion of the U.S.A., you, you… American.

By the way, the definition in Webster’s dictionary states that a criminal is “One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.” Most illegal immigrants who have invaded America have not been convicted of a crime by entering unlawfully. However, by definition, entering illegally is just that… illegal. Therefore, these invaders are, in fact, criminals. One who commits a crime is a criminal. So why in the blazes should they respect the rest of the American laws when they don’t give a rat’s rear end about our border security and immigration laws? Now, we cannot ship the indefinite millions back where they belong or charge them with felonies, even though that would be a well-deserved reward for invading the United States. Can you imagine a criminal trial for every illegal alien who was taking part in a de facto invasion of the United States? That would tie up criminal court in America for years, maybe decades. As it stands today, the clowns in Congress, on both sides of the aisle, are frantically pandering and kissing Mexican ass in the hopes that when the Latinos far outnumber those damned gringos, the legislators can hold onto their insatiable, demented Congressional grasp of power. I admit, I say that in a way that suggests that my opinion is that being a politician is a foul or wicked profession. Given that these Congressional creeps will never secure the borders (not close the borders, SECURE THE BORDERS!) or represent the genuine interests of Americans, who can you trust? Politicians are intrinsically narcissistic and arrogant.

Maybe it is time to get together a posse comitatus and take back our country, before these horses’ rearends throw it all away for the votes of illegals. The last time I checked, influence peddling was a serious crime, at least for a constitutional originalist conservative. Never forget, Dems, your expertise with voter fraud will go a long way towards attempting to steal another election. The failure to steal the presidential elections of ’00 and ’04 for radical liberalism must bear a nasty sting, eh?

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