Friday, September 30, 2005

Did you know... these jackasses are throwing away our children's future?

Did you know that Congress has gone insane, spending more money than ever before? They seem to forget that the money they are spending isn't even their money. It is OUR money. I keep praying that more people will educate themselves to the issues and the candidates in the very important elections of 2006. It is not too early to start thinking about it, and the mantra should probably be "Throw the bums out!"

How about a completely nonpartisan look at the jackasses who are throwing away our future? If this doesn't make you sick to your stomach, financially speaking, what will? Some statistics:

The average Senator voted for $471.0 billion in annual non-entitlement spending during the 108th Congress (2003-2004), an 83 percent increase over the 107th Congress (2001-2002). House Members supported, on average, a yearly expenditure boost of $386.9 billion - a 101 percent jump compared to the same period in the previous Congress.

Spending totals were nearly identical for Democrats ($397.0 billion) and Republicans ($378.1 billion) in the House, although party differences were somewhat greater in the Senate ($599.3 billion for Democrats versus $353.3 billion for Republicans).

The House and Senate considered a total of just 39 spending reductions in 2003-2004, worth a combined savings of $63.3 billion. Just five of the amendments were adopted, for a potential cut of $5.04 billion. Excluding the Senate's decision to convert part of Iraq's reconstruction aid to a loan would cause the savings to shrink to a barely-perceptible $41 million.

The phrases "fiscally responsible," "fiscal discipline," "fiscal responsibility," "fiscal irresponsibility," and "fiscally irresponsible" appeared 2,740 times in the 2003-2004 Congressional Record, an increase of nearly 53 percent compared to the 107th Congress. Yet, for the fourth year running, no one in Congress had a net voting record that would actually have cut overall federal discretionary spending - down from a high of 512 Members in 1996.

The House and Senate were in session for 1,893 hours and 2,485 hours, respectively, during the 108th Congress. Based on averages for their chambers, House Members voted for $204 million in spending hikes each hour they met, while Senators voted to spend at an equivalent rate of $190 million per hour.

Does that piss you off? If you are an American taxpayer, it should! The problem is that it isn't about Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative anymore. These morons are out of touch with reality and they don't care. Why? Because virtually no incumbent is ever defeated. Out of 430 members of the House of Representatives, how many were defeated in their last elections? Zero. Zilch. Nada. Zippo. NONE.

So... Coming soon to the last Superpower in the world soon... total economic ruin, courtesy of the guys who represent you.

Data source: The National Taxpayer's Union Study Report on Congressional Fiscal Discipline. September, 2005.

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