Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Gabriel update

A faithful reader asked for more posts about Gabriel, so here it goes. Gabriel was recently the hit of the family Easter celebration. He got passed around all day. Many commented on how much he has grown. He has, in fact, grown a considerable amount since Doug's family saw him last. They saw him shortly after he was born. The Thursday before Easter Gabriel turned two months old. He went to the doctor for a check-up and vaccinations (my poor baby!). Gabriel weighed in at 12 lbs, 12 ozs and measured 23 1/4 inches. Of all the people who held him on Sunday, Gabriel seemed to particularly fall asleep in the arms of Liz, Doug's niece. Liz seemed slightly hurt by this, especially since her sister, Chris, teased that Liz bored Gabriel to sleep. As I told Doug, you should take it as a compliment if a baby falls asleep in your arms. That baby felt safe enough with that he or she fell asleep. I don't know about you, Liz, but the first time I fell in love was the first time a baby fell asleep in my arms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Heather for adding some information about Gabriel. I love it. You are right a baby that falls asleep in a person arms is a sign of trust, comfortable and a closeness to that person. Better watch out Liz.
love mom