It is currently snowing, folks. Yes, I'm very excited. I wish Doug was here to see it, but he got called out of an install earlier today to go down to the office and have his truck inventoried. Big deal, right? Well, it was annoying to him that they didn't give him any warning and expected him to be there ASAP. It is annoying to me that he has to spend the night in the Twin Cities so they can do this. I got his stuff together while Doug was on his way home. Hopefully, the supplies I packed him are adequate. I hate when he spends the night away from home. Even with our entire zoo here, I feel lonely. Nope, 2 toy poodles and at least 2 cats in the bed still aren't enough to convince me that I'm not alone. Nobody can take Doug's place. Just in case anyone reading this is thinking that I'm suffering from hormonal/postpartum issues, rest assured that this is how I always react to Doug spending the night in a hotel without me. I can survive a night without him, but it is not as much fun.