We have a full house this weekend. Heather’s parents and her brother are spending a few days with us. Josh has been here a few times since Gabriel was born, but for Laura and Dennis, this is the first opportunity to get acquainted with their grandson. Heather and I always look forward to their visits, particularly because it is a long drive from Indiana. The absences and time commitments required to visit make the efforts very meaningful.
Gabriel isn’t a happy camper with the rash he has, but otherwise, he is satisfied with his feeding and sleeping. Ah, the life of a child is nice, isn’t it? How ironic that when we were children, the benefits of maturity are “obvious” and we long to magically leap into adulthood without delay. (What autonomy adults have, right?) Then adulthood arrives, with career, mortgage and responsibility weighing profoundly on the mind. How fantastic it would be to revisit the age of innocence.