We took Gabriel to his pediatrician. I needed a pause from the work I was doing so it worked out well in that regard. I try to be at the doctor’s visits when it is possible. Gabriel is only 3-weeks old and the reason for a visit is evident, to make sure everything is going fine. The thought of taking your child to the doctor frequently when there is no sickness or concern, i.e. “well child visits” seems a bit wasteful once your kids are old enough to have a healthy history with no evident concerns. At any rate, that wasn’t the situation yesterday.
Gabriel has that wicked rash that Heather mentioned. It looks very uncomfortable and hasn’t improved enough to reassure this Mom and Dad. Gabriel’s doctor agreed and wrote a prescription for some mysterious concoction that should aid in the healing process. The good news is that Gabriel has a healthy weight gain. He has gained 28 ounces in 19 days. Actually, the pediatrician asked if we have been feeding him turkey and mashed potatoes and said that his weight gain is unbelievable, so that sounds like an affirmative doctor’s opinion. When we can get this rash to clear up, Gabriel will be a happy little guy.