Monday, January 24, 2005

The Times They Are A-Changin'

The "times" a-changin' in this case are the things we have gotten used to in our lives. Heather woke up at 3 a.m., having her first "true" contractions. Certainly, it is early and the contractions are irregular, from 5 to 13 minutes apart. We aren't making a mad dash to the hospital. We will make sure we have everything in order here and feed the birds and other animals so that they are in an orderly state during our absence. The hospital isn't more than three miles away, in the middle of Brainerd. The menagerie will be fine for a day or so, however long I need to be absent until our young one comes into the world. When the opportunity comes later, it isn't an impossible time commitment to feed and clean up the zoo. I will come home for that when the baby's schedule allows.

One thing Heather will tell you about me is that I detest tardiness. It drives me crazy to be anything short of punctual. I don't care if there is a whiteout snowstorm, because I will account for that and alter my activities or travel or whatever. Reliability and presentation are so important and nothing but the most extreme circumstance is going to stop me from being on time. Perhaps I should work for the postal service. I just do not like to be late.

Our baby's due date is today. I couldn't be more proud... our firstborn (soon-to-be born, that is) has already learned how essential it is to stay on schedule. =)

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