Sunday, June 24, 2007

Baby Talk

Last weekend, the brother also known as Dave, was here visiting. We installed the air conditioning in the bedroom, but have not had it running until this weekend. Rumor has it that being pregnant in the summer is not a pleasant thing, due to the heat of biological normality for pregnant women… or something of that nature. Heather has not really said much about the heat. She is now about five weeks from the due date of our second child. We both went to the ob-gyn appointment a week or so ago. Heather is a couple of weeks from the point that is considered ‘full term’ for the baby, in terms of gestational development. Gabriel was a large kid when he was born, so Heather is lobbying her MD for a delivery a week early. Stay tuned on that front, but if the pregnancy goes full-term, before August 1, our second child will be out in the world.

We have names chosen already. Whether this is a boy or a girl, we have it covered. Heather and I just did not want to know the gender of our baby until he or she is born. What can I say? We like surprises. I would have to read in earlier blog postings myself to be sure if I already mentioned the names that we have chosen. If not, well, here goes. If our baby is a girl, her name will be Avigayil, which means ‘My Father’s joy.’ On the other hand, for a boy, the name will be Jericho, with a middle name honoring our close friend, and Heather’s uncle, who helped her find outstanding medical care when she was a kid with health problems. As crazy as it sounds, I am hesitant to put the full name of our baby here, first and middle names, because with identity theft being what it is, why give some creep out there any ideas?

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