Monday, September 22, 2008

The In-laws Visit

Heather’s parents were in Minnesota to visit the weekend of September 12th. It was a good time, as it always is when the in-laws visit. We worked around the house quite a bit, including redoing the closet. I know, exciting stuff. I would much prefer to sit around and relax with the family, but when they visit, we always seem to be productive and get a lot done around the house, so that works, too.

Jericho decided it was time to walk. He took his first tentative steps for his Nana, but by the end of the weekend, he was showing off for her. Just like his big brother, Jericho is a ham who loves attention. I guess all kids are that way. Gabriel and Jericho enjoyed the visit with their Nana and Papa. On Saturday, the four of them got their pictures taken by a pro. I will post a picture when I have some available. I know I haven’t been posting a lot of pictures lately, but I will have to remedy that shortly. I have been taking quite a few pictures, as if there is a time that I don’t take a lot of pictures. I have had the Nikon D300 since late April, and according to the automatic numbering system, I have taken 12,000 pictures so far.

Speaking of pictures, Josh and I took the boys for a bike ride on Sunday while Heather was working. We didn’t get more than a mile from the house on the bike paths, but it took us three hours to get out there and back. We stopped to take pictures behind the Wal-Mart on the path, where there are oodles of flowers and lots of bees. As you may not know, taking pictures of bees is one of my favorite subjects, after my kids, of course. While I took pictures, Josh wanted to see how far Jericho could walk. He called Jericho to walk to him, and then Josh kept backing up to see how long he could stay on his feet. I guess he walked 30 steps or more, so it looks like the little guy is officially a biped now. For a while, it looked like he would crawl forever! That would work, though, as Jericho crawls mighty fast, and until this month, that worked for him.
When kids are small, it really is an exciting time. Everything changes so fast and they do grow up too fast. Sometimes, it would be fun to be a kid again. I thought I was pretty smart when I was a kid, but since then, I have learned that I sure had a lot to learn.

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