Sunday, September 21, 2008

Engineering Meeting

Last week, eight hardware engineers visited Minnesota. Along with my boss and another Tech III, we had a forum to discuss hardware issues. It was so beneficial; I am not sure why the company doesn’t do this regularly. I believe that it really gave our customer the feeling that the company is concerned about their issues in a tangible way that is so easy to miss without enough face time. There is talk that there will be quarterly meetings like this, though I would be surprised if there were more in Minnesota in the near future. I really hope that this continues, as it will do a lot of good as we roll out our new machines and have de facto convergence with PC hardware. While I am sure it was an expensive visit, I can guarantee that it was money well spent, based on the enthusiastic response and the positive impression it left with the customers. Kudos to the engineering management for making that call.

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