Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, Monday

Ugh. Is it Monday morning already? The only thing good about this Monday morning is that it means I am one night closer to being on my way back to the wonderful blustery cold of Minnesota's icebox. Freezing my kiester off never looked so good as it does, when I think about going home Wednesday. The negative temperatures do not bother me that much, and the vehicles are parked inside this winter, so the temperatures are a minor inconvenience. We just tend to not be outdoors much this time of year, other than to take care of the dogs and to clean up any significant newly-fallen snow.

I start a class tomorrow, but am not worried about it too much while I am in the hotel. The first day I need to really contribute anything significant, I will be home, making it easier in that regard. For a hotel in the middle of nowhere, this joint has great Internet access, both wired and wireless. Some of the hotels where I stay (e.g., Shooting Star) have NO Internet access at all. That is the dark ages of the hospitality industry. Sheesh.

I didn't sleep very well last night. I remember being awake half a dozen times, and I woke up again at 5:30 this morning, and decided to not stay in bed at that point. I am a morning person. Maybe once we get heat in the garage-gym, I can work out and I will be energetic enough to be a morning and a night person, the way I used to be, especially on weekends. These days, a weekend evening doesn't get much better than lounging around in front of the TV, while Gabriel jumps on the bed like a hyperactive kangaroo with a double mocha latte caffeine buzz. Parenthood is good, and the boys make being a dad great.

I need to order a part for a casino this morning before I head to the training in the conference center. See ya on deck later.

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