Thursday, October 04, 2007


Does anyone but my mother read this? Any mothers out there. Here is the deal: Maybe the child is just a night-owl. Today is a prime example. Gabriel woke up at 8:30am, fell asleep for a one and a half hour nap at 1pm, and is still awake now at half past midnight. He only slept more than a hour for a nap, because it is impossible to wake him up. Factor into this that the child is currently sick. You would think he would need to sleep more. I've tried eliminating the nap. He isn't ready for that. That will just cause him to sleep at 5 or 6pm. He never lasts an entire day without sleep. So what do I do? Wake him up at 7am? I know that part of the problem is that I can't wind him down. But, if I can't manage to get him to sit quietly in front of the tv or with a book, then what can I possibly do to get him to slow down and get tired?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Doug and Heather~

Dave and I read your blog. We want to start one up soon.

Hope everyone is feeling better.
