Saturday, March 06, 2010

Jericho picks out his own clothes

Gabriel has been picking out his clothes for ages. That is why he frequently goes places and doesn't match. Gabriel started helping Jericho get dressed in the morning not that long ago. He was even helping him go to the bathroom. Jericho has been getting more and more independent. About a week ago he started getting his own clothes and randomly going to the bathroom by himself. It is funny watching him struggle to get his pants and pull-up or diaper down and then getting on the toilet. He sits backwards so he can watch the pee hit the toilet and maybe aim it right to get lucky enough and make bubbles. When I say random, it really is random. We definitely don't have the potty-training thing down pat. I've decided to try and bribe him with M&Ms now. We'll see if it works.

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