Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Real Inconvenient Truth

Despite all the gloomy news and yellow journalism from the left, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! If conservatives get their way, God willing, the market will be forced to fix itself without taxpayers footing the bill. Further, and this is almost certainly too good to be true (at least for long), the libs in Congress are not renewing the ban on offshore drilling, a ban that is set to expire tonight. I believe that the plan is to let the ban expire and then, when Obama wins, God forbid, the libs will rush in and do an end-run to kill any hopes of looking for oil here at home. They claim they want energy independence, but the costs of the pipe dreams of wind energy actually generating enough power to pay for the wind generators is far-fetched. It's a fairy tale! It's all about keeping Americans under the thumb of a domineering government, a de facto fiefdom, with socialist liberals in charge of YOUR life.

For today, though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We can only hope this isnt just a trick, but I am confident that this is just political posturing from the left, as always.

For the truth about offshore drilling and shale exploration, click here.

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