Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fitness Anytime You Want (and Can Fit It in Your Schedule)

Heather and I stopped at the fitness center yesterday and got our security keys so that we can access the exercise equipment anytime we can fit it in our schedules. The fitness center just opened for business the day we stopped in to pick up the keys. IGT was kind enough to pay for my gym membership, though Heather and I are paying for her membership. Still, it is greatly reduced from the price of a regular membership for her, because my employer paid for my membership. The cost for each of us averages out to be very reasonable. I figure that Heather can take Jericho with her, and I can take an hour or so from my homework to watch Gabriel, so that she can get in a cardio workout. I would be surprised if we can make the time every day, but I hope that we can make time for each other to work out at least a few times a week. If nothing else, it will give her a break from parenting, and will give me a chance to burn some calories and work my muscles more and my mind less. Heather will be the first to tell you that I never stop thinking, and that is one reason why I can be so keyed up at times. I am sure that strenuous exercise is probably good for the mind as well. Funny how everything is linked that way. =)

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