Monday, May 01, 2006

Telegram for Screamin' Howard Dean

I know this is so unlike my usual posts, but I am going to make this one rather brief. Screamin' Howard Dean, embarrassment to the Democrats that you are, I got a kick out of another flamboyant show of ignorance on your part. Today, you said that amnesty for illegals was a civil rights issue. As a man with several advanced degrees and years as a politician, if you were not so focused on partisan political pandering to illegals, you would know that illegals have human rights, not American civil rights. By definition, civil rights are reserved for citizens and lawful residents. The unfortunate news is that the constitution calls for legal redress of persons, not citizens. You can count on wacko judges to decide, by that ambiguous definition, this means any person in the entire world... including apes and other primates. Seriously. For example, the Socialist government of Spain is pushing legislation giving Great Apes status with full human rights. Thank God that in Spain, abortion is not only legal but also encouraged. More room for the Apes, after all. Think I am making it up? Look for yourself:

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