Monday, March 27, 2006

So is Jeanne my sister-in-law-in-law? :-)

My brother-in-law, Dave, one of Doug's older brothers, got married recently (for any non-family member who stumbles on this site) . Yesterday Doug, Gabriel and I traveled to meet them for lunch. Of course, it is a 2-hour trip one way and Gabriel slept both ways. Since we left at 6pm, Gabriel was awake until midnight. Dave has a son, Josh (12). Dave's new wife, Jeanne (she pronounces it Jeannie), has a son and 2 daughters, one of which has Down's Syndrome. I guess the parents decided total emersion into the new family thing is the way to go, because I instantly became Aunt Heather to 3 new kids. That's not as weird as the feeling I get when I talk to my oldest nephew who got married 2 months before I did. Anyway, Jeanne's kids must love babies, because everyone wanted to play with Gabriel. It became a contest to see who got the better reaction from him when they tried to hold him. Poor Uncle Josh didn't get a much better reaction out of his nephew than the kids did. Such are the moods of Gabriel.

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