Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Snow good news today in Minne-SNOW-ta

I am a happy camper today. We are in the midst of another little snow event. I could be glum about it; this isn't a blizzard, darn it. I could be bummed; we probably won't get more than three to six inches of snow. Instead, let me tell you, this is awesome. We are getting snow! Heather and I share the same attitude is, the more, the better! Whoohoo! It's snowing and that rocks!

Now that I got that out of my system, the more important news. Heather had a doctor's appointment on Monday. I went with her, as I usually do. I have made it to most appointments since Heather found out she was pregnant, having missed two so far. She may be going through the more tangible parts of this life-changing experience, but I don't want to miss a thing. As for what is new with the baby and what the doctor said, things look very good, though the baby hasn't dropped much yet. It appears, at this time, that the due date of January 24th, may be quite accurate and the baby isn't likely to be early... at least not this week. I will change my prediction, the baby will be born on the 21st.

Heather's parents will be back in Minnesota in a few weeks, so hopefully nature will time the delivery just right and the baby will be born a few days before that. If life has its own ideas, what can we do? Punt! We are ready to be a new mom and dad, the baby's room is prepared, and all that is left is the waiting. Heather is feeling good, other than the heartburn and constant bathroom breaks, and we are both in high spirits. Life is good! It is time to get ready for work, and even knowing that, life is good, indeed. I have only one request:


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